Integration for Blå Kors

Blå Kors contacted us following a recommendation from another customer, seeking assistance for an integration between two of their used systems - Varbi and Simployer.

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Video created by Link Development
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We are satisfied with the integration and look forward to it performing an important task that both saves us time and reduces the chance of human errors.

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Steinar Valberg
Blå Kors

The Task

The task was to build an integration between Varbi and Simployer, where a person marked as hired in Varbi would automatically be added to the correct department in Simployer.

Our Solution

We built a NodeJS-based backend that connects to Varbi using webhooks. When a person is marked as hired in Varbi, Varbi sends a webhook to our backend, and we connect to Simployer to register the new employee there. The backend also ensures synchronization of the company structure from Simployer to Varbi, so job applications can be published with full association regardless of the department.

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image showing this project


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