Våre produkter

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link up app

LinkUp - nettverksløsning

With LinkUp, you have the opportunity to create your own social network for your organization or group. LinkUp gives you full control over your network with tailored options for both design and functionality, including everything from forums and events to chats and file sharing.
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kulturjakten appen

Kulturjakten - interactive map solution

Kulturjakten showcases culture in Norway in a new and forward-thinking way that engages the public. Partner with us to highlight the culture in your local area!
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rebus app

Puzzle solution

We make it quick and easy to create scavenger hunts. Users enter the scavenger hunt code in the app and can participate in an interactive and fun experience, where tasks can include images, text, and challenges—with or without time limits.
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Videoportal - video oversikt på pc og mobil


Monetize your content, whether for personal revenue or a fundraising campaign. The system was recently used to raise over 200k NOK for Doctors Without Borders.
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