Feedoapp - website & app


Feedo is a service developed for pet owners. The service allows you to calculate whether the amount of a product the animal has ingested is toxic to the animal based on its weight. The project has been developed by veterinarians and will be launched in 2024.

We have developed the app and website, as well as the design and graphic profile.

Video created by Link Development
Video created by Link Development
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What an amazing team! Neat, professional, clever and very easy to communicate with. We have received a lot of help and guidance in website and app development, but also in entrepreneurial issues. We have felt safe and looked after the whole time, and are very grateful for all they have done for us.

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Marianne Skarstein
Feedo US
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The application should be an easily accessible service where the user can register their animals and investigate if they have eaten something they should not. If the app is being used by a user without an animal, you can search the Dog or Cat category.

The app has a calculator service that calculates the amount of product eaten in relation to information about the animal and concludes whether it is dangerous or not. It is possible to search over 100 different types of food, beverages, plants and more.

The solution offers subscription and in-app purchases. By purchasing a subscription, the user will get access to additional food products.


The website is designed to show stakeholders the concept and to be a point of contact. The idea behind the website was to develop an airy and stylish landing page that gave visitors the opportunity to easily find contact information and information about the project. We also implemented a module that displays several pages of the application, and the menu navigates its way down the page.

image showing this project


The solution is designed to be easily accessible with the most important information first - the food products and the calculation of consumption. We chose to implement paws on both the website and application to promote playfulness and animals in focus. Furthermore, both the website and the application are minimalistic in order to make it easy for the user to find the information they are looking for. The design is therefore intuitive and easy to navigate.

image showing this project


The technology

The application is developed with Flutter and Firebase. The website is designed in figma and implemented on Webflow.

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