
Why is it important to have a good website?

Website, web solution, web development, app development

Why is a website so important? :

My first website: Why, what and how

Why create a web page? :

First, let's define what is meant by a web page. Many social media sites allow very complementary profiles, even for firms and organizations. It can be easy to call such information pages their own website. After all, there is a website with a lot of information about you and your organization.

But what we're talking about is a separate web domain. A site where you yourself have complete control over what exists on the page. A separate domain people can easily reach by typing the address in the search bar, where you have the opportunity to present your own logo anywhere, and have the opportunity to post all the content that is relevant to you and your organization.

The creative freedom is reason enough to set up your own site. A good individual design helps users get a clear picture of who you are, and how you choose to present yourself. However, you get and opportunity to align other content you post on other web pages. The vast majority of SoMe actors have solutions for integrating content from specific profiles. This allows for more content in one place, allowing you to have a smoother flow of more content, and empowering users to see more content about you and your organization.

What should the website contain? :

“Content” is a renderer of a web profile keyword. If you have heard the joke about the housing market where the three most important things for a good home sale are “location, location, location” you will understand why the quality of your web profile is “content, content, content”. Without content, a web page does not survive long. So what kind of content should be on the web page?

Most importantly, there is relevant content. What is relevant is very individual for each side. But a good rule-of-thumb for relevant content is to ask yourself a few simple questions. “Is this something that my target audience is looking for?” “Is this useful value for my target audience?” and “Is this important information for or about my organization?”

In general, content can be divided into two main categories. Evergreen, and temporary. Some content is always relevant, and even years after it is posted, the content will draw interest. This is evergreen content. It can be anything from information about the organization, what locations exist, or blog posts and stories.

Temporary content, on the other hand, is “clearly” time-limited. Either because the value of the content is defined to a specific period. A pre-Christmas sale is no longer relevant after Christmas Eve. Or because it deals with a subject that has only temporary attention, but which in the long run is not directly relevant to daily life. Think trends.

There's a lot that goes into content production, but you don't need a long education to understand the important fundamentals. The important thing about good content is to have a good mix. Temporary trends draw attention, but it's evergreen content people come back to.

It is important to have a good visual design of your content. Again, to take out the key points of a large and complicated field. The design should be completed. Linked up to the visual profile used otherwise, and easy to use.

But most importantly in terms of content. Make sure it's yours. This is your website, so use the opportunity to introduce you and your organization.

How to create a web page? :

So we know why you should create a website, and the importance of good content. But how do you go about creating a website? Fortunately, there are many different tools to help you with exactly this point. The technical depends on the solution, But you don't need to be an expert in HTML and CSS to create a good web page. Decide on a domain, a network address that is unique and easy for most people to remember. Sketch the web page out so you have an idea of how it can be navigated and what it should look like. Decide what kind of content is relevant and what kind of content is possible to produce. All this preliminary work can be done without writing a single line of code.

So when the time comes to create a web page you will have a battle plan. This can either be assigned to some employee specifically to be in charge of the site, or you can adopt solutions like webflow, wordpress or the likeman that are easy to use even for those who cannot program.

By Dani Forstrønen

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