Devhelper - Tools for project management

Tired of mile-long email threads of communication around an issue? We have created a tool for project management in development processes. Perfect for development teams working out against customers. Let your developers easily get feedback on what's wrong in the system, and let the customer keep track of when and what gets fixed.

DevHelper is a service developed by Link Development primarily for internal use. The service can be adapted and further developed if desired. Maybe we'll change the name of the service in the future, who knows.

Design, Website, Business

Video created by Link Development
Video created by Link Development
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The service has a separate login system where developers and project managers from the company and the customer can register. One logs in with email and password, and is invited to enterprises/projects via email.

Project overview

Take control with our system that puts your business at the center:

  1. Centralized project view: From the main page you get an instant overview of all projects related to your company. Save time by having all your important data gathered in one place.
  2. Full Control on Tasks: At a glance, you can see the number of error messages left unprocessed for each project, so you always know where you stand and what requires your attention.
  3. Intuitive notifications: We know how important it is to keep developers in the loop. Therefore, each project has its own notification marker, which immediately signals incoming error messages. This ensures that new problems are identified and addressed quickly.

Error reporting and task management

As a project manager or developer on a project, the system gives you the ability to:

  1. Creating projects: Start your own projects and invite both employees and customers to participate.
  2. Manage tasks effectively: The system simplifies the process of task management and reporting.
  3. Communicate on issues: Both developers and customers can create tickets to report tasks or bugs. These tickets are marked with colors based on their priority. Each ticket has two comment fields — one for internal discussions between developers, and one for dialogue with the customer. All previous communications are stored under the same ticket.
  4. Clear reporting: Tickets are categorized as “Unmanaged”, “In Progress”, or “Finished”, which allows efficient sorting. In addition, each ticket can be assigned to specific developers, so that one can easily find tasks assigned to oneself.
  5. Detailed ticket information: When creating a ticket, one can include the title, the problem description, upload relevant files and specify a severity. The customer also gets an overview of their enrolled cases and their progress.
  6. Time and cost estimation: Developers can set estimated times for tickets and log actual working hours. Based on the specified hourly rate, the system will automatically calculate the cost of the development work. Of course, the price can be adjusted if another agreement has been concluded with the customer.

This system ensures efficiency, transparency and ease of communication between all parties involved in a project.

Optimize Project Management with Our System

Our sophisticated system is tailored for project managers seeking a flawless way to monitor their projects. Here's how it can transform your project management:

  1. Complete time management: Not only can you easily estimate hours for each project, but you can also track real time spent. This helps you compare planned vs. actual hours, so you can optimize future project estimates.
  2. Invoice monitoring: Never lose track of what tasks are billed. With our system, you can clearly mark which items have been invoiced and which are not yet.

With our system by your side, you will always be in complete control, ensuring that no detail goes unnoticed. Invest in the efficiency, transparency and success of your team and your projects.

Manual testing of software

Quality assurance of the software is essential for success. Our dedicated testing module makes it easier:

  1. Structured manual tests: Our system gives you the ability to configure detailed manual tests. This ensures that the software goes through a comprehensive quality control before it is launched. It ensures that one does not forget the routine checks of the system even if one has not necessarily worked on that part of the system in a new version.
  2. Checklists: Prevent anything from slipping through the net. Our intuitive checklists ensure that every single aspect of the software is reviewed, tested and approved before it goes live.
  3. Confirmation marking: After completing the testing, your team can quickly mark the software as “Approved for Production”. This gives a clear signal to all parties involved that the software has passed all the necessary quality checks.
  4. Optimal Traceability: Each test sequence is logged, so you can look back at all tests performed. This gives an extra peace of mind and ensures that you can always verify your quality procedures.

Do you want to try out the system?

If you or your company wants to test out our system, you can contact us and refer you to Devhelper. We can then give you a trial period to test whether you like our way of streamlining communication between customer and company.

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image showing this project


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