
One Ocean Week App - for the sustainable future

One Ocean Week App

We are pleased to share that in Link Development we will be responsible for the concept and app development of One Ocean Week 2024!

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7 days, 150 events and thousands of people attended conferences, meetings, activities and culture this year when #OneOceanWeek was launched for the first time in Bergen in April 2023. “We want to be a bigger part of this,” we thought - and now we're looking forward to 2024!

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CEO Hana Colakovic today presented the concept we have been working on in recent weeks during the partner gathering of One Ocean Havbyen Bergen.

The OOW app will be ready for download a month before the actual week happens, so you can easily have a full overview of all the events you want to attend. We at Link look forward to contributing during One Ocean Week and encourage everyone to enjoy all the exciting things that are happening. One Ocean Week is a unique meeting venue to share knowledge, discuss sustainable solutions and take responsibility for our future.

Hold off the dates 13-19 April 2024.

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