
Nominated for mulighetsprisen 2022!

Opportunity Award Link Development

We are incredibly proud to announce that we have been nominated for the mulighetsprisen 2022! Out of 40 nominees, we are among 5 finalists selected by a panel of top executives. The award ceremony is organized by Bergen Næringsråd and Deloitte, highlighting companies that contribute to inclusion and diversity. The purpose of the awards is to inspire other businesses to do the same!

Mulighetsprisen is a new inclusion award that started up in 2021. The award was one of several initiatives that Bergen Næringsråd introduced to contribute to Bergen as a pioneer city for diversity and inclusion.

Assessment Basis

The criteria set for the award is that the enterprise:

- Has demonstrated through its commitment that inclusion is economically beneficial.

- Has put diversity on the agenda in a positive way.

- The winner's involvement has helped reduce outside losses.

- Through his special commitment, he has contributed to improving the conditions for people who are at risk of falling outside the ordinary working life.

Why are we nominated?

With Job Training through Nav and “Kodehoden”, we give young people who have fallen out of work and education the opportunity to gain expertise and experience through practice with us. We now have two graduates from Code Head who are with us on development projects.

In addition, Link Development has signed an innovation contract with Bergen Municipality to develop the service Kultur. This will make the cultural offer in Bergen available to all its residents and visitors, and to activate the local population. The project is also linked to Bergen Municipality's project on digital activity cards, which is intended to make the various activities in Bergen accessible to children from low-income families.

The nomination

We see opportunity in people, and we cheer for inclusion and diversity across disciplines, backgrounds and skill levels. Being nominated for an award for inclusion means a lot to us. It is a very nice recognition and meaningful nomination, and we extend a big thank you to Bergen Næringsråd and the team behind the Opportunity Prize for putting this on the agenda.

Andre artikler

We look forward to hearing from you!
