
Say hello to our newest team members !

We love inviting new talent to practice with us and we are excited to have 4 new members join our team for 2023/24.

Internship at Link

We love inviting new talent to internships with us and we are excited to have 4 new members join our team for 2023/24.

The computer engineers

Nora Kristiansen, Martin Berg Alstad and Eirik Eindride Aasen come straight from the school bench and to us! With us, they will first get to grips with app development by creating a social-deduction game with Flutter and Firebase, before working on new functionality for a web app we have in-house in Vue. “It will be fun to transfer what we have learned in school into a real project. We are looking forward to an educational and fun semester”.

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The designer

Sandra, who is a newly graduated graphic designer with a passion for creating visual identities, strengthening brands and developing user-friendly interfacesSandra is currently in practice with us and she looks forward to tackling new challenges, gaining new knowledge and strengthening her expertise as a designer. Right now Sandra is working on improving our identity and going forward Sandra will join a number of exciting projects that lie ahead of us.

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We look forward to having you with us!

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